is at the core of our mission. As a forward-thinking non-profit organization, we are dedicated to pioneering new pathways in education and workforce development. Based in Luxembourg, A.S.B.L RCS F13274, we specialize in developing comprehensive micro-credentialing programs designed to empower individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary for the jobs of tomorrow.
Our focus is not just on preparing individuals for the current job market, but also on anticipating the future needs of the workforce, especially in sectors related to space exploration and extended reality. By bridging the gap between traditional education and the evolving demands of the labor market, we aim to foster a community of lifelong learners equipped to tackle the challenges of both, Inner Extended Reality (XR) and, Outer Space Research and Development (SRD).
We are also a proud contributing member of the Global Space Information Sharing and Analysis Community (GS-ISAC) focused on helping the community to #keepspacesafe.
Join one of our innovative ethicallyHackingspace (eHs)® communities today.
Offensive Space Cybersecurity Professional (SCP)™
Defensive Space Cybersecurity Professional (SCP)™
Purple Team Space Cybersecurity Professional (SCP)™
Full Spectrum Space Cybersecurity Professional (SCP)™
Contribute to Inner and Outer Space Extended Reality Professional (S.X.R.P)™ workforce development with a community of like-minded human beings dedicated to building both the consumer and enterprise S.X.R Professional (S.X.R.P)™ workforce. Our mission is to ensure that safety as well as innovation remain key in these areas of research and development. Join our meta.Humanity(mH)® LinkedIn group today to keep pace with our progress.